Your Source for Construction Professionals

Recruitment & Mentoring

We use our direct industry experience to understand the individual needs of your projects. We supply tailored professional search services to source permanent or temporary resourcing solutions for your business.

Construction recruitment Sydney

Commercial Consultancy Services

Our highly skilled team are dedicated to professional Commercial & Contract Management services from budget advice to preparation and negotiation.


Construction Recruitment Sydney

3 Reasons to Work with Green Square Services

Construction Recruitment and Construction Jobs Sydney
  1. You are an employer or a professional who would like to partner with a company who understands the construction industry

2. You are an employer who would like to spend less time sifting through resumes and interviewing unsuitable candidates

Recruitment Claims Administrators

3. You are a project leader who would like assistance in implementing effective contractual and commercial administration procedures

Our Clients

Our diverse range and size of clients has placed Green Square Services in a unique & enviable position in the industry